Amazon's Sumerian roundup

November 27, 2018

This week, Amazon's re:invent conference has a few sessions here in Vegas that are looking to push VR and AR technology out to the consumer.

If you attended their State of the AR/VR World session, they stated that AWS Sumerian was their only offering in this space. Even though Amazon gives out the Lumberyard game engine, it is clear that they view the web as the only way forwards for mixed reality content.

While I do believe that installing an app can cause too much friction to experience AR content, there are still many uses that may require a dedicated app.

It isn't all about starting the experience, or any number of companies could release a meta-app that is optimized for AR or VR. It's about the whole stack experience.

Virtual Reality can transport you to any alternate reality, but there are things you must do to make it a success. Getting the details right include graphics, sound, performance, and natural input from various controllers for your particular needs. When you integrate all of these things with your view of this universe, people will take notice.

Sumerian has many fun use cases. For lightweight presentations to their virtual avatar "hosts", you can create many experiences for traditional screens or kiosks to phone-based handheld content. And, if your target audience has a headset that supports WebXR (formerly WebVR), Sumerian supports that as well.

If you want to visualize data from IoT sensors, monitor your business from a virtual warehouse floor, or create an immersive advertising campaign, my team here at Unwritten Media would be glad to help you choose the best technology stack for it. And, who knows. We may be able to quickly build a prototype or solution for you in Sumerian faster than you would expect.

Amazon's Sumerian roundup

This week, Amazon's re:invent conference has a few sessions here in Vegas that are looking to push VR and AR technology out to the consumer.

If you attended their State of the AR/VR World session, they stated that AWS Sumerian was their only offering in this space. Even though Amazon gives out the Lumberyard game engine, it is clear that they view the web as the only way forwards for mixed reality content.

While I do believe that installing an app can cause too much friction to experience AR content, there are still many uses that may require a dedicated app.

It isn't all about starting the experience, or any number of companies could release a meta-app that is optimized for AR or VR. It's about the whole stack experience.

Virtual Reality can transport you to any alternate reality, but there are things you must do to make it a success. Getting the details right include graphics, sound, performance, and natural input from various controllers for your particular needs. When you integrate all of these things with your view of this universe, people will take notice.

Sumerian has many fun use cases. For lightweight presentations to their virtual avatar "hosts", you can create many experiences for traditional screens or kiosks to phone-based handheld content. And, if your target audience has a headset that supports WebXR (formerly WebVR), Sumerian supports that as well.

If you want to visualize data from IoT sensors, monitor your business from a virtual warehouse floor, or create an immersive advertising campaign, my team here at Unwritten Media would be glad to help you choose the best technology stack for it. And, who knows. We may be able to quickly build a prototype or solution for you in Sumerian faster than you would expect.